Life is for living

Want to hit refresh? Do it! Edit your feed, dust off that favorite hobby, kiss your babies (big and small), grab a glass with your besties, re-read a favorite novel. Life is for living, friend. Let’s create lives we love, together.


Pursuing Christ and gentle living, while keeping all the plates spinning! :)

Life: wife, mama to four, musician, owner of House of Colour East Nashville

Loves: reading (give me all the fiction!), taking advantage of the East Nashville food scene with my guy, learning and laughing with our amazing kids, Great British Baking Show and Gilmore Girls reruns

The average person only wears 20% of their clothes, 80% of the time. Twenty percent!

Don’t settle for average. Create a closet you love—that loves you back!

Say goodbye to:

  • impulse purchases

  • ‘it looked so cute on friend’ items

  • tags-still-on / want to love it

  • actually love it, but it matches nothing

Find the colors that love you best, create a wardrobe that works for you, and absolutely nail your public image and branding with House of Colour East Nashville